At Medical Center Pharmacy, pharmaceutical compounding is a time-honored skill no longer available at most community or chain pharmacies. Professional compounding consists of more than just mixing powders with bases.
In order to prepare an effective and safe medication that includes precise stability, purity, color, viscosity, texture and uniformity, we must consider both chemical and physical properties of each active and inactive ingredient.
The value of every compound prepared at Medical Center Pharmacy originates from the skilled techniques, specialized equipment, and purity and quality of the ingredients.
Henry Herring, R.Ph. and his staff of qualified pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have taken the art of compounding and sterile compounding to the highest level.
Our ability to meet special needs with medication is a major advance in the pharmacy compounding practice. The staff of Medical Center Pharmacy prides themselves on creating innovative solutions in drug delivery systems and dosage forms.
Medical Center Pharmacy
912 South 16th St.
Wilmington, NC 28401
(910) 763-1896
(800) 930-8785